Well, today's Cooking w/Coupons work lunch was super good. Although, it wasn't actually cooked, I did buy it with a coupon. And that's what this series is all about, cooking and eating with your coupons.
Today's lunch consisted of a Digornio Pizza for One, a Quaker Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Granola Bar and a beverage.
The coupon I used for today's lunch was "Save $1.00 on any Two Digornio for One Products", so I bought the traditional crust and the deep dish. I ate the deep dish during the weekend (no one knew what to eat, so we just ate anything), and let me tell you, that little pizza for one was super good. I also used a "Save $1.00 on any Two Quaker Products", we love these, and then we still have drinks from my husband's work, so no spending $1.25 on drinks at work. Here is my lunch
This was super good! I ended up cutting the pizza into fours and it was easy to cut into, not hard at all and super cheesy. I got filled up with this.
Now, here is the breakdown, the pizzas were $2.98 each which came out to $5.96 total and I used the Save a $1.00 on two which made it $4.96, so I figured 2 for $5 instead of 2 for $6 (that's how I like to see it). The Quaker Oats were $2.12 a box, and we bought two which came out to $4.24, and I used the Save $1.00 on Two which came out to $3.24.
So did I really save? I like to think so. Another day of eating in, instead of eating out. That's my thinking.
What have you cooked or eaten with your coupons lately?
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